The basic rule to get your business podcast advert approved quickly, is to follow these steps. Make sure you decide what type of recording medium you want to use. Choose between your cell phone or computer.
Once you have made up your mind, let's say you use a cell phone.

Using A Cell Phone
Write a small script about 100-150 words about, i.e. 2-3minutes of what you want to say on your advert
Include things like, the name of your business, where your operate, what you sell and how much it costs- if possible.
We do accept a minimum of 120 and maximum of 350 words per advert.
Find a quiet spot in the house, preferably a bedroom where no one can disturb you.
Test your first recording by recording 3-4 lines of your advert and replay the advert to hear how you sound as feedback.
When you're ready. Begin to record the entire script as you speak very clearly.
Keep listen to your recorded voice until you're satisfied with content.
Your recording should be ready to upload on my "Platform-Dashboard".
I will do my best to listen and give you feedback.
If your recording passes our quality control test, you should record the second advert to sell your service - "Why you think people should buy from you, instead of your competition".
When you're ready and done post both first recording and the second recording together.
Remember to give your advert recording "Titles" or "Names" so that we can recognize them.
Place More Products & Services Get One-Free
If you have more than one radio podcast advert you can place them all and you'll one for free. If this is the case repeat this process above every time you want to create your advert.
When you join for the first time you pay once for 6 months. The second and third adverts will be free T&C"s apply. Also your recording must meet the minimum requirements. This will be 3 minutes and maximum 4-5 minutes