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Our Forum Objectives

There's More To Life - Than Politicking For Power! We Need A New Paradigm Shift To Become Our Own Leaders.
To Solve Our Own Community & Household Problems.
To become a member of our Naturena Home Owners Property Forum - News, you need to join by signing up on this website to get involved. You'll be able to make your contribution to the forum and also send your pictures and articles to improve our communication to make a difference in the life of all residents. Terms and conditions are simple and the slogan or motto straight forward:
"Watch Your Neighbor's Back And Ask - Your Neighbor To Watch You Back"
You must be a legal home owner with a bond on your property or title deed of Naturena and living here for at least 2 years.
You must be prepared to add value and contribute something and volunteer in our community "attitudes change programs" and causes.
Be prepared and willing to attend our online/offline Meetings and briefs at least twice a month.
You must also be a member of the Naturena Elders Advisory Executives panel who have positive leadership influence and experience in organizational skills to host important discussions and events.
You can also apply to become a member of B.T.G. Business Traders Group that promotes home-based and small business with advertising opportunities to enhance your business instead of post illegal ads on street corners or trees and pavements.
You must not use our forum or association for political ambitions to promote your party's political agenda as this is not one of our objectives or purpose.
We are an Independent "Home Owners Property Forum" platform and have no affiliation to any political, cultural groups, religious, sports group or civic organizations.
We simply exist to serve the home owner of a property holding a bond or municipality rates & taxes.
Our main objectives is to enhance the values of our properties as bondholders to maximize their future asset market price.
Therefore, our loyalty is to honour and maintain the upkeep of this neighborhood to the best of our vested interest.
Make sure we settle our liabilities to our debtors in good faith to enhance our personal private property portfolios to profit from in a wise manner.
To make Naturena a worthy investment destination for future private investors, while keep the neighborhood safe, clean and pleasant to live in.
We wish to promote good moral principles and teach our children and outside visitors or non-residents how to conduct themselves as guest in our spaces.
Rebuild Naturena to its former beauty and glory again for the sake of our families, neighbors and proudly South African brand.
God bless Naturena, South Africa and all people who live in it. Send us your Naturena neighborhood photos, stories and articles you'd like us to publish and feature under the following categories:
Lifestyle | Education | Events | CPF Briefs | Education | Health | Business | Technology & Charity.
To register visit the Home Page