Do you want to improve your writing and journalist skills? Welcome.
Naturena home owners' forum has an opportunity for volunteer junior or senior writers who want to make a contribution to our community development programs. Young or old, everyone is welcome to join and write about specific topics that can change and inspire the lives o our readers. The following topics below will apply.
Topics to Write About for Voluneer Writers
We are looking for topics that will inpire and engage our readers. These topics should be educational and very motivational too, to the audience. The following skilled writers are welcome to test their writing skills as volunteers to improve and get their names known in the world or journalism, or blogging.

Writers Topics
Small business development strategies
Property rights for home owners
City of Johannesburg Bylaws education
Life skill and how to improve onceself
Health and fitness programs for the community (Read here)
Sports and recreation to keep our children active
Arts and culture and understanding our African roots
Our Sister Community Health Website Also Seeking Voluteers
This is the health site for Naturena and South of Joburg that encourages community and our youth to take part in keep fit and healthy. Yet, we have very few mentors and leaders to take responsibilty for this voluteer potfolio.
Read more about it here Click
This website is intended to create health and fitness awareness in the community. If you're a health or fitness fanatic, please contact us so that you can play a role in the field of writing or other alternatives.
We look forward to also inviting business opportunties from big and small enterprises who are willing to employ iterested youth or unemployed local citizens. Our writers must be creative and able to inspire hope and take the initiative to show readers solution to improve the lives of our audiences.
If you know of any person young or old willing to contribute something to the above topics please email our senior authors manager below
This article is contributed by: Mr. Isaac Khonjelwayo