An update on issues affecting a myriad of problems related to ANC poor services delivery. Naturena is faced and affected by constant cable theft. Crime has shot to the roof and residents have had enough.
A meeting to try address these problems was suppose to start at 10:00am. I arrived at 09:45, thinking its always a sign of respect and courtesy to be early, so that one can get every information from start to finish. To my disappointment, it started very late at about 10:45. Typical of Black folks to always dishonor or respect time.
Naturena Attendance Was Very Poor.
Naturena Population Stats. Sub Place 798015207 from Census 2011
4.47 km²
13,737 (3,074.71 per km²)
3,942 (882.32 per km²)

Responses from Naturena was very poor comparing how big the population is. Only the register can determine the percentage of people who attended the meeting. My assumption, is that it was less than 2%. I suppose being a local counsellor can be a very challenging occupation, considering the apathy and complacency of people local authority is trying to help.
Sign of Poor Participation Interest from Residents
Apart from complaints emerging from the community and residents, it is apparent that a majority seem to underplay their role as people who are affected by these issues. For now all I can say, is that we need to support and get involved in making our community and places of social interest safe and clean for us to enjoy.
Without playing our part, City of Johannesburg including various stakeholder, will under-perform and ignore our call to seek their help and technical support.
Please share and comment. What do you think is the best to get at least 30% attendance when ever there are residents meetings in Naturena?
Residents can use this site to get maximum benefit in communicating their ideas, concerns, and or issues affecting their community. 😎