Did you know you can post or place an advert in our events section of events to promote your business of special occasion? Please feel free to contact and request a quote.
Members of the Naturena Community can also post poor service delivery complaints here to communicate their frustrations with local councilors. This way COJ can act swiftly and promptly to attend to the complaints.
Our CRAMP Newsletter - Join and Submit Your Articles
The Newspaper Journal below is the sample of what the Forum is all about. Click the photo to download to newsletter for you to read. It will be an honour to share this publication with friends and relative on social media to help other communities know what is happening in our township.

Joburg Water Is Our COJ Biggest Poor Service Delivery Culprit
Your event can be share on social media i.e., Facebook, Twitter etc.,
You use WhatsApp to amplify your events via our website links and more
You can refer your contacts to our site for anyone to view
Feel free to request a tailor-made quote for any purpose. You can also join as a forum author to write articles and empower our readers and community. Topics to note are, Education, Schools, Drug addiction, Youth, Services Delivery and Small Business, and Youth Employment opportunities. Download our service delivery issues affecting Naturena suburb here;
The Team