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Vesting & Malta Streets Naturena Litter Problems

Writer: isaac khonjelwayoisaac khonjelwayo

Updated: Jan 12, 2023

Naturena Vesting & Malta Disaster Potential #.1

Safety is key to every neighborhood. School is a precious place to empower children. If we do not protect our children by observing and adhering to safety rules and the city by-laws, we are promoting ignorance, and invite potential disasters in our environments. Bylaws are municipality management regulatory controls to keep residents and citizens protected and free to enjoy their neighborhood safely.

There's Poor Control of Leadership Guidance from Head of The School to Manage Safety & Law & Order - Rather, There's Absolute Chaos.

I possess archives of Naturena, safety violations. And photos dating back from 1999 when four Taxies Collided between Malta & Vesting broad daylight. I pray every day that my fears will not someday ever manifest a repeat into a tragic school event, of a horrible accident. This can be avoided at all costs, before something bad happens. Our children are given to us by God to love, protect, empower through coaching, leading and nourish with knowledge on a daily basis, to observe and respect adults and laws of the country.

If we act humanely and wisely to avert such an occurrence in the future, it should come from our own community's common sense and initiatives as motorists. Residents, parents, teachers, law-officers, the school governing body, the school principal, school kombi transporters and the public; we have the power and the ability to choose right from wrong, before "The Wrong" turns into a disaster.

Should something go wrong, it’s only a matter of time before everything else truly goes wrong. And we all wake up one day to blame someone else instead of our own misgivings.

Naturena Vesting & Malta Street During School Holidays #.2

If Prevention Is Not Better Than Cure? Then, I suppose Forewarned Will Not Be Forearmed? Therefore, we will not learn any lessons from heeding this call, to act on my plea.

I've been wondering at what point are we; as a community of Naturena and the Primary School going to take responsibility to ensure that, Children- of this school and The Naturena Primary School Management | (SGB) including Metro Police; are going to enforce good behavior before any major disaster takes all of us by surprise?

I believe that we need to act fast, wise and swiftly to avert any potential danger, that might leave us regretting our delayed reaction to act on issues of safety observations. I have tried to display and compile information on my blogs to try address this issue. For over a decade, I watched and observed Naturena School children, their siblings, mothers, motorists, taxi drivers, brothers and little sisters; cross the road toward the school without observing the stop signs and crossroads rules.

At least someone must take the responsibility to take action and have these vulnerable street corners of Malta & Natuur and Malta & Vesting properly mended and taken care of with immediate effect. Residents including motorists, taxi drivers, school children, school transporters and parents get must get together to find a safer solution. Accidents don't just happen; they are caused to happen.

We need to find an immediate resolve during school pick hours; in the morning and afternoon, before this becomes too late to remedy with dire irreversible consequences.

Naturena Primary School Transport Choas & Litter #.6

We have to make this world a better place, for everyone to live comfortably. But it should NOT be at the expense of our ignorance or carefree attitudes. We need to stand up and represent our own IDEALS, be it in education, job creation, safety, crime, technology or religious groups especially education, to become responsible South African citizens. People and religious groups need to stand up and take full responsibility for the future we want to see happen.

(The space for this to happen is already overcrowded by foreign nationals). We never had a chance to find ourselves or redefine our freedom after 1994. Now is the time to do so without compromising our true inner values, cultures and respectable "solution-driven" citizens.


Use our talents and skills, knowledge and corporate work experiences to make the country a better place for those who live and belong in it. If God should want to bless South Africa and all people who live and add value to contribute positively in it – It should be for the right reasons and not selfish motives. Sometimes we need to volunteer our skills and knowledge to empower those who are less fortunate than us.

Our current status as a country was set on a wrong foundation and precedence of corrupt government officials of ANC, to spiral down to its current demise and state of collapse. ANC have destroyed the Nation's hopes and dreams in the process of defeating Apartheid. We have no serious contenders to challenge complacency. Yet, we'll need new dreamers and leaders from responsible communities, like you in Naturena, to become part of the legacy to rebuild our communitiy of Homeowners Property Forums across the board.

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Chaos Around These Two Streets at Naturena Primary Schools Is Documented to Prove COJ Is Not Doing Their Job To Implement Bylaws!

  1. Vesting & Malta Street Naturena Safety Videos See it #. here:

  2. Vesting & Malta Street Naturena Safety Petition #. download it here

  3. Read the whole story about this incident #. here:

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Mar 09, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Exceptional common sense needs to be taught at schools. Our children do not know or understand the value of cleanliness😎. Parents or the school is to blame for NOT teaching these children to respect other PEOPLE's private properties. Their behavior is a reflection of what they learn from home or their school - you be the judge.😍😍



500 Malta & Vesting Street

Naturena GP  2095


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