Did You Know that you can record a voice note to complaint about poor services delivery? Help our councilor become effective. The most probable reasons - why our ward councilors are bombarded and inundated with an endless string of complaints is improper communication systems on the part of City of Joburg.

In a meeting called upon by our Ward 119 Region G councilor, it was apparent that the city does not provide our leaders with proper up to date modern technology and communication skills to empower them with new challenges.
In Today's Age and Times - Social Media Communication Calls The Shots
Residents, businesses and leaders in our government and local authorities can not ignore the power and use of modern technology to address both minor and major issues affecting governance and compliance to effect change.
Need for communication tools is becoming paramount with our local authority councilors
Residents can write a post and or record a podcast on this website. The reasons for this approach, is because our councilor is on Ward 119 WhatsApp consisting of 150 Groups representing his ward. The ward alone has more than 80,540 households.

How on earth will the poor councilor respond to all these faceless people lodging different complaints without him aligning priority of importance, to the sense of urgency for each suburb? First and foremost, WhatsApp is not an effective tool to address the masses and attempt to resolve their problems.
Mr. T Zondo, my leader, you need more than a WhatsApp Group or email to hear people's voices of concern and reason. My recommendation is the Naturena (Home Owners Property Forum) to consolidate and to mange information effectively.

Tools To Rule Comes In Three Stream Lined Packages
Consolidate all your WhatsApp Groups into this platform i.e. Naturena Region G Ward 119 into one simple communication vehicle. Naturena website allows residents and local communities affected in these areas to sign-in.
This is all FREE to residents of region G - Ward 119
They can create a profile to write their complaints
They can record a voice not on our podcast to express their opinions
They can liaison with any COJ department to log an urgent call via email direct - HERE
They can also post pictures of issues at hand e.g. potholes, water leaks etc.
Ultimately as councilor you can effectively be able to escalate these issues
Voice Notes are hosted on our server from multiple stations, where you can take time to listen and begin to address these challenges. Blog posts from residents can be read and monitor progress and feedback from the website itself.
Access to this information portal is simple and easier than Facebook, Twitter of LinkedIn, but more powerful and robust to utilize for this purpose. Here's is how it is done - Read More HERE
How Your Ward Counselor Can Follow up And Escalate Your Problems
When you record a voice note, be proactive and say your piece
Do not harass and be abusive to officials explain the problem
State where the problem is and when it emerged and take photos if possible
Use your email address when you forward a complaint to COJ affected department
Only post articles here and voice notes if the matter was not attended to amicably
Be a leader and take part in the affairs of the community and stop gossiping about it on WhatsApp and Twitter.
Lead by example and take full responsibilty for your actions, just grow up and lead
Don't hide behind a group of people who want to make our suburbs and townships ungovernable.
Listen to our voice of reason and take a que - HERE
Article by: Isaac Khonjelwayo